The pen is mightier than the sword!
Graphics are the sizzle, but content is the steak. Craft your message to sell!
In the past few years, the search engines have been gradually putting much more emphasis on a web site's natural text content than they used to. There is overwhelming evidence that sites that consistently publish new, unique, relevant and natural-sounding text-content at least once a month perform better than sites that do not, all other things being equal.
Many businesses, however, find writing new content challenging. Not only does it take time they do not have, but they find it difficult to write a text that compels the reader, keeps her interested, contributes to a call to action without being over sales-y and company-centric. And, since Google is now on the look-out for "borrowed" copy, simply copying great text from another website and pasting it into your own site can actually hurt your search engine rankings.
Keystroke Computing recommends its professional copywriting services to any business that needs to communicate a clear and compelling message to site visitors in a style and tone befitting your business persona. Whether it's the original website content, blog or Facebook postings or new additions to an existing text, those businesses that dedicate themselves to consistent new infusions of unique, a quality copy is bound to outpace those that let their sites stagnate.
Our copy writing services can be used for:
- Blogs
- Social media posts (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
- Web page content
- Marketing or campaign text
- Featured articles
Contact Keystroke Computing today to breathe new life into your web presence and increase your sales with compelling copy people will actually read!